>> Which social sites do you prefer to use most?
This the question. We've got the answer due to most of the voters participation. Thank you very much. Let me reveal the answer. Taaadaaaa......
Facebook we've got 56.85%
Friendster we've got 30.77%
Hi-5 we've got 2%
Tagged we've got 1%, and last but not least,
Others we've got 14.38%

I myself voted Facebook as well that i can say myself as a Facebook fans right now. Been addicted to it and I can't stop logging into Facebook as well that there is too many games and it is truly a nice place to know lots of people.
From my previous post about "Facebook vs Friendster", from there you can differentiate how much difference i felt about both of these social sites. There aren't much disadvantages i think, it depends on you as a user of the site for how you use and think about the sites that you're enjoying.
There is a conversation between my internet friend and me. Both of us commented about the users and ads and disads of the sites.
J: Hey R, what do you think about the social sites which is available nowadays?
R: There are all kinds of social sites and for me, I myself prefer Facebook most.
J: What about others? Don't you give them a chance?
R: I did. I sign up for Zorpia, Hi-5 and all kinds of social sites but there aren't that interesting as how it really does.
J: Well, then i guess this depends on each and every user for how they think about it.
R: Actually why don't one of the user create a website to let everyone comment about the social sites that they have been using and whats good about them?
J: Yea, it does sounds like a good opinion. haha!!! Should try it.
As you can see throughout the whole converstion, everything helps to create a better social sites for the users and this depends on each and everyone of us as how we felt about the sites that we have been visiting. Things have to be change so that someone comes up with something perfect.
What do all of you out there think about what I've been comment about?
Come on, feel free to jot down something. No doubt for that.