Saturday, February 28, 2009
Poll result 28/2/09
Friday, February 27, 2009
Does Social Networking harms health?
From my own opinion, I think it does.
Nowadays, not only teenagers but kids too own a computer or notebook.
In the young age, they learn how to use computer, even how to log in to some websites. Through here you as a reader can see how modern and the world goes.
Without internet connection, we can't really connect with the outside world except through expensive payments.
As i read through an article.
It notes that the face-to-face contact is reducing and this harms our health.
This verse is claimed by an expert and I agree with what the expert says.
For instance, Facebook is expanding and everyone is connecting each other through there. Users even enrich their knowledge and friends through there too. But this is an apart way of contacting each other where there aren't any face-to-face contact.
From the article, you can see how social networking affects our health. There are so many sickness which appear and attack us. What are the sickness?
Heres some which I grab from the article to tell all of you out there a little of it.
"It can alter the way genes work, upset our immune responses, hormone levels, and the function of arteries, and influence mental performance."
This ain't said nor prove by me, but by the experts. Believe it not? Better start to believe it. Try to read more articles about this issue, it helps you out there to understand more.
But do you agree with this issue? Does social networking issue harms health?
Reference: Thirdage, "Does Social Networking harms health?" Retrieved 27 February 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Gossip gossip !
Did you know....
- That FACEBOOK was launched on February 2004 by the Harvard drop out Mark Zuckerberg (who was 19 years old). By the end of the month more than half of the undergraduate population at Harvard was registered on the service.
- that June 2008 Mark Zuckerberg paid a 65 million dollar settlement to close a long- running legal battle concerning whether Mark stole the FACEBOOK idea from his former room mate.
- That FACEBOOK has more than 175 million active users (active at least once a month) and more than 700 employees
- FACEBOOK is only a low security web service. This means that you should never use the same password for your FACEBOOK account as you use for more important services (e.g. webmails or netbanking).
- that FACEBOOK leaves quite a few cookies in your browser which enables other Internet sites to identify your FACEBOOK identity. (If your browser does not accept these cookies you won't get access to your FACEBOOK account).
- That FACEBOOK reserves every right to register and keep all kind of your private information and FACEBOOK activities – even after you eliminate your profile”. You are immortal.
- that the general counsel of FACEBOOK, Ted Ullyot, is a former attorney of CIA, famous for neglecting privacy issues in CIA’s war against terrorism
- October 24, 2007, Facebook has agreed to sell a 1.6% stake of the company to Microsoft for $240 million. This means Microsoft, as an exclusive third-party will get access to all personal FACEBOOK information
- That Mark Zuckerberg, founder and owner of ca. 30% of FACEBOOK is the world's youngest billionaire (worth 1,5 billion Dollars)
- Have your ever wondered why FACEBOOK advertisements often feed exactly your personal needs? Because an intelligent system analyzes cyberspace behaviour on a personal level to maximize the value of your personal information.
- that even though you change your name, email, address etc. your old data can still appear in the FACEBOOK Friend Finder.
- that FACEBOOK accounts with more than 4.000 friends are often closed down with no further explanation. This is not mentioned in FACEBOOK's Term of Agreement.
- that psychologists have introduced the diagnosis FAD (Facebook Addiction Disorder) as a new kind of addiction disorder.
Well, I really didn't know about all these information. Did all these information help you in understanding more on what you are using now (FACEBOOK)?
-Siew Ching-
References: Facebook, Group, "Things you didn't know about Facebook", Retrieved 20 February 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Poll results 22/2/09
Friday, February 20, 2009
The improvement of social network
Its about Facebook and other social networks.
During this 21st century, human beings advertise their products and new ideas through internet and it is very useful as we, users, been logging in and out through internet.
Can say that we can't live without internet and we are so use to it until we need to log in and find our own sources or even stay connect with our friends and know more about the outside world through internet. This is how we get use to internet and use it as often as we can.
Just like me, I online everyday and get use to it until i need to log in to every website I go through everyday. Even look for more sources and new websites so I can enhance my knowledge.
Let me tell you something about the article I've read.
It is about a computer company call CRM. This company uses some social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and LinkedIn to let the everyone know about their new product which just release. First, they use Twitter to break the news of the new release to the masses.
Why they uses this way to introduce their new release?
From my own opinion, I felt that this is quite a good idea as well that everyone tends to log in into all kinds of websites and this can let them know about the new release when they log in because for sure they will see the video clip. But of course, still it depends on the users whether they want to watch it not.
CRM choose Facebook to introduce their new release and put up a video to let others know about it rather than presenting it during a technical conference.
Here you can see how wide is the internet and how people tend to use it. There is a lot of ways and this is one of it.
I think that this a absolutely a great idea and it helps a lot rather than presenting it just for some of the people to listen and know about it. Through internet, it helps and it does expand and let others know about a new release product.
What about you out there? Do you think this is a great idea? Do you agree with my perspective?
Come, jot down your ideas so that everyone out there can get a new hips of ideas on everyone thoughts.
Reference: Technewsworld
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Poll results 15/2/2009
It is all about the intentions of a person to have and own by them before starting a business through internet. Does a person need to have intentions? or don't need it?
Heres the feedback of the poll vote by the readers.
Answers of yes, no and maybe. Every of the answers are voted.
-Yes stands 50%
-No stands 33.33%
-Maybe stands 16.67%

You can see how the readers felt about this issue.
Personally, i feel that it a must for a person to have intentions before building a social site to start their business.
Growing a business through internet is very tough as well that you as the seller have to grab the buyers attention. Other than that, you also have to make the buyers to believe your product and the way you're selling is true and theres always through and back.
I've been viewing through a lot of social sites where the sellers sell their product. I can see it is a tough job because as a seller, you can't sell it too expensive and the product must be in good condition. The process of selling is that confirm the product that customers are buying, then contact them and settle up the payment. Then have to mail the products to them. Later on confirm the product whether it has reach the customer not.
Imagine, if you set up a business and you don't have any intentions and ways to sell your product. How the business going to succeed.
So, learn now and think of an intention before selling or introducing a product if you have the intention to widen up your business through internet.
Overall, what do you, dearly readers think about this issue? It is very important? Think deeply.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Advertising on social networks
I know that now the current trend for advertising a brand is to advertising on social-networking sites. The idea is to look for new opportunities on in what's known as user-generated content. Apparently the possibilities are huge, but the risks are also quite evident and worrying. For example, users like me. Or is the quality of the content good enough to associate a brand name with?
Social networking websites appear to be a very promising place to advertise on. Teenagers are there, even young adults are there, so no wonder if brands are so attracted by MySpace & co. However I believe they need to learn how to sell their advertising spaces. I don't want my brand's ad to appear close to a "click here & get your visa" ad (or similar) and this is happening rather often on MySpace (just to make an example).
Are you a user like me or you'll actually click on the ads? You are feel free to share your opinions here~! Maybe I research more and write more on this issue based on your opinion!
-Siew Ching-
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Facebook Mystery: Who Created "25 Random Things About Me"?
This “25 Random Things About Me” chain letter thing, is threatening to consume what little remaining free time and privacy we have. In fact, "25 Random Things About Me" has become so quickly spread in the two or three weeks since it apparently started (by whom, no one seems to know, not even at Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, Calif.)
Here's how it works: Your friend create list of 25 random things about themself, post it on Facebook, and then “tag” 25 of their friends. When you get “tagged,” you’re supposed to create your own list, along with instructions you want others to follow. You are then expected to tag in 25 people, including the friend who asked for it in the first place, and so on.

As for me, I've warned my friends that do not tag me such chain letter thing or I will still ignore it. I really don't like to do this kind of thing and let other friends who I am not close with to know about my personal stuff. And I started to think this is some kind of virus going around in Facebook. But seems like many people are doing it because all the other cool kids were doing it too. And on Facebook you don't want to be left out.
So how about you? What do you think? Love it or hate it?
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Use Social Networking Sites Wisely!
Social networking sites have come alive in just the last few years. It seems that everybody has their own space somewhere in social cyber space.
Getting started with using social networking sites is not difficult but you need to know how to protect yourself!
Below are some tips that are based on personal experience and also advices from the seniors:
• Think twice before you post a revealing or personal photo of yourself on a social networking site. Share photos with friends through limited access websites, or better yet, just send them via email.
• Keep your profile on social networking sites private. Make sure to check your own profile frequently to make sure friends have not “tagged” your site with photos you would not want others to see. Consider blocking comments if can, since you have no control over what people post.
• Watch what you say. A bad comment in a blog or comment section can be just as damaging as a compromising photo. This includes dirty jokes, bad language, or a drinking reference.
• Look up any old videos you may have posted on YouTube or other video upload sites, and take down any that might be offensive.
• Google yourself. See what the public might be reading about you. If there is something you don’t want “out there,”email the webmaster of the site to remove it if its possible.
• In addition to a personal website, consider creating a professional website featuring your resume, portfolio, and academic background. Blog about career interests. Make sure not to link it to anything inappropriate.
I've also found some useful information that is in pdf format. Do check it out here.
I hope you guys can find it useful!
-Siew Ching-
Friday, February 6, 2009
Social networking, the importance of intention
As well that i saw theres a lot of things that had improve in our world.
Nowadays there are more and more people who choose to run their business through internet.
How did they manage that?
Let me tell you this little news which i get to watch from youtube.
You as the one who manage the business must know your intentions regarding the business that you are running.
Even mention about mostly where you can usually manage your business. Of course, as there are more and more people who come across a lot of sites and talk about the issues and products. It is from the blog. Such as Twitter, blogspot, xanga and lots more.
As a reader, I used to come across a lot of social sites where people manage their business very well. You as a seller must know what you are selling and what the buyers need and want nowadays. If you don't know about it, it would be a difficult starter for you who want to manage your business through internet.
From social sites, as a reader you get the information, then you spread the news if they are good enough for you to stay tune for whats coming up next.
Readers also tend to leave comments about the product and some even want for more if they found out it is a good product. It is not a harm to sell your products through internet as the social networking is going on well and very wide. People from all around the world get to know about your site and this can reduce the money that you use to advertise, no matter through TV or radio or other ways.
Overall, intention of introducing a product is truly very important.
Know what is your intention then things will go on smoothly.
Here is a video where you can know more about this issue that I'm telling:
References: Youtube, Retrived 6th February 2009
After reading what I had wrote and the video I had post, what do you think about this issue? Is it right for what I've said and what is your opinion about this issue?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Mixi, the biggest social networking site in Japan
"mixi(ミクシィ)は、株式会社ミクシィが運営する、日本最大級のシェアを持つソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス (SNS)である。
Mixi is the largest social site that is used by the Japanese.
Mixi, which launched in February 2004, is the biggest social networking site in Japan. What’s more, it’s growing rapidly. Mixi (MIKUSHII) is operated by MIKUSHII Inc., social networking services with the largest share of Japan (SNS). The service name "mixi", supposedly refers to the fact that “I” can “mix” with other users. On Febuary 5, 2007, video-sharing service was launched by Mixi.
To join Mixi, you need to be invited by an existing member. You also need to be 18 or over, but I doubt anyone sticks to the rules. Your Mixi URL contains a unique user number: since these began at 1 and increased sequentially, it’s easy to tell how recently a user joined. And because Mixi is invite-only, none of these URLs are indexed by Google. I've thought of joining Mixi, but, you need a valid mobile mail account from one of those Japanese mobile carriers in oder to join Mixi.

Mixi’s site design and navigation are extremely intuitive. Your homepage displays a selection of your friends, a list of their latest blog posts and photos and the latest news from your communities. Like Wretch, you can also see the most recent visitors to your page.
Mixi’s profile pages are attractive and load extremely quickly. The reason for this is pretty simple: unlike MySpace, Windows Live Spaces and other US networks, you can’t edit the layout of your page. The advantage is that the site doesn’t break; the disadvantage is that there’s no variety, and Mixi isn’t a great tool for expressing your identity.
In late June, Mixi launched their equivalent of MySpace Music. This works in the same way as MOG - you download the “Mixi Station” client and allow it to track your listening habits in Windows Media Player or iTunes. The application uploads this data to the Mixi music section, making it publicly accessible. You can then browse the tracks that your friends and community are listening to, and even buy them through iTunes.
Clearly, Mixi is vastly different to MySpace and other US social networks. The lack of customization seems odd, but it’s clear that Mixi has more diverse revenue streams. Product recommendations, iTunes integration and paid accounts are all interesting ways to monetize these networks. And while I don’t think the Mixi model would be a huge hit elsewhere, there’s a certainly a lot we can learn from it.
-Siew Ching-
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Facebook lost people's email notification settings
But until he logged into Facebook and found the same message on the home page. So, the email was legit and Facebook had indeed lost his email preferences.

It is very concerning to me. How can a company like Facebook lose data? Millions of people put a lot of data on Facebook and how can Facebook not keep proper safeguard to make sure data does not get lost and proper backups to restore the data. It is not clear if a programming error or human error cleared all the data or did somebody break into the database/file system and cleared it out. I am not sure if it was just my friend or others got affected as well?
Did you receive similar message from Facebook?
-Siew Ching-