Saturday, March 21, 2009
How to Use LinkedIn to Find a Job - Or Have a Job Find You
-Create a Profile. Create a detailed profile on LinkedIn, including employment (current and past), education, industry, and web sites.
-Consider a Photo. You can add a photo (a headshot is recommended or upload a larger photo and edit it) to your LinkedIn profile. Note that it must be a small photo - no larger than 80x80 pixels.
-Keywords and Skills. Include all your resume keywords and skills in your profile, so your profile will be found.
-Build Your Network. Connect with other members and build your network. The more connections you have, the more opportunities you have, with one caveat from Kay Luo, "Connect to people you know and trust or have a business relationship with, no need to go crazy and connect with everyone."
-Get Recommendations. Recommendations from people you have worked with carry a lot of weight.
-Search Jobs. Use the job search section to find job listings.
-Use Answers. The Answers section of LinkedIn is a good way to increase your visibility.
Respond to questions, and ask a question if you need information or assistance.
-Siew Ching-
References:, Job searching, LinkedIn, "LinkedIn and your job search", retrieved on
20th March 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Facebook applies in iPhone
Now users can log into Facebook through Iphone too. Not only that, users get to enjoy the Facebook application through iPhone but Facebook connect files a different need which they serve as the glue to let other applications exchange information as part of a social network.
I heard from one of my friend that he uses iPhone to play the Facebook games such as Texas Holder and he said that it is kind of familiar with the one we usually play through computer and it is still very fun. Other than playing games, iPhone created an application for Facebook which iPhone users get to enjoy the application without entering the actual site. But the application which iPhone offer is different from the actual site and still there are some applications that couldn't be use.
I feel that there are advantages and disadvantages of using the applications.
What do you think? Do you think it is good or not good?
References: Tech yahoo, "Facebook Connect expands iPhone app social networking"
Retrieved, 16th March 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Users give thumbs down for Facebook redesign
Last week, I posted a blog post about the changes in the Facebook new design. This week, Facebook users from around the world are making big noise and complaining about the Facebook new face as if it is a big changed in their life (more serious than economic crisis =_=).
As I was browsing through the internet, I have seen many many web sites reported on the Facebook face changing issues. Sigh, is it really that "important"? I mean, ya I found it quite inconvenient too on the new design, but I just live with it. Just try to get used to it. There is no need to form a club protesting on this issues. People around the world are crazy about has becoming more like a disease.....
What do you think? Are you protesting too?
-Siew Ching-
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Facebook, you are not the only one ok......
- — Micro blogging anyone? what is micro blogging anyway? Twitter only allows a maximun of 140 characters. That’s really short but that’s what it means by Twittering, just for others to follow and not make long announcement. Short announcement. Really short. Just enough to let people know what you are up to. Is it really useful? Some people says it does. However I can’t seem to find it useful. After all, you could make short announcement in your Facebook or in your MSN messenger. As a web site made solely on short announcement for people to follow seems a little offbeat. Sign on anyway just to make short announcements! Ha-ha! As an added usefulness, you can link it to Facebook and put a twitter badge on your web site too!
- — Similar to Twitter but at this moment still in beta testing stage. Can’t really review it because sign up is by invitation only. Its interesting feature is that you could install their app into your phone like Nokia E66 or even a Java enabled phone.
- — Another micro blogging site which we rarely heard of. As what their name is about shouting out a place, a location where you can rent or rave about the place. And the places to shout about? Mostly restaurants located in USA and Europe. Not so useful for Asia Pacific and Australian region.
- — Another restaurant micro blogging site. Similar to Placeshout. Usefulness? USA only.
- — This is about sharing personal bookmarks online. In time it also became a place where you could use it to promote a bit of your web site too, however with the rel=”nofollow” in the link you can’t use it to raise your Google page rank, but still a good way to check your web site popularity and see how many people save your site on their delicious bookmark.
- — Similar to but not as a bookmarking site but more like a popularity contest. The more people digg your site or article, it gets promoted to their frontpage which in turn increases more exposure to your web site or article web page.
- — Similar to and well as per namesake, while happily browsing around, you stumble upon some interesting website or page and decided it is worth sharing with others.
- — Now part of Yahoo and quite a popular social photography web site. As a hobby site to share and showcase your photography ability. Could also be use in conjunction with your photography or travel related web site. Usefulness? Get a kick out of the number of people admiring your photos.
- — This one is different from Facebook. This is where professional network to look for jobs and contract. Call this business version of Facebook. This is a no nonsense social web site. It would do no good to have your partying photo shown to potential employers or business associate would it? This is where you post your work experience and show your best foot forward.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
What do you think of Facebook's changes?
The main changes
Here are the key changes to the Facebook home page users are coming to grips with:
1) Stream
Much like the old News Feed, the Stream tells you about what your friends are doing. It has added real-time updates, celebrity page feeds with comments, and user control over which friend's updates they want to see.
Some users (like me) are not comfortable with seeing all the information streaming in one place.
2) Publisher
Facebook has changed the status update question from "What are you doing right now?" to "What's on your mind?"
This has also become the place to post links, pictures, video, and other types of content.
It's hard to tell when you updated your status without the date and time clearly posted, and also hard to tell the different between status updates and wall post.
3) Highlights
This new column shows long-term information and announcements from subscribed sources.
It includes friend and event updates, birthday notifications, pokes, notes, links with comments, and Facebook announcements. It does not contain advertisements.
4) Filters
There's a new box in the top-left corner that lets users control the flow of information.
Facebook says it has built some default filters such as location, regular contacts, and existing friend lists, so users can click one and excess info should drop off the home page.
However, some users didn't like the new system and some did like the new system. How about you?
-Siew Ching-
Friday, March 13, 2009
Poll result 13/3/09

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Social networking sites overtakes email use
When i read this article, i was like "Oh my God."
Email use to be one of de main ways for users use to connect and contact each other. But as we can see, social networking sites are taking more grants than email.
What kind of social networking sites? Lets take Facebook as an example.
There's tones of users using Facebook and it became a very well known social networking site.
There's a lot of usage in Facebook such as email, uploading photo, chat through Facebook, leaving comment etc. You as a user can see how wide it can be and how well known it could be. This made more and more users would like to spend more time on social networking sites than email. That is how social networking sites overtakes email use.
Since this issue occurred, why don't they improve their usage so that more users will spend more time on emails than social networking sites. They can expand email just like how social networking site does. If this happens, I bet arguments between users will occurred talking about both social networking sites and emails. Which will be the best? haha!!!
Nobody knows what will happen. But never try, never know what the results will be like.
What is your opinion regarding this issue? Does it affect much? Will improvements affect anything? Come and share it over here.
Reference: Pocket-lint, "Social networking sites overtakes email use", Retrieved 10 March 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Twitter fail cause by Gmail
This made me feels that there are a lot of users from Melbourne who log on to Twitter. I bet it gave a big impact towards all the users and it sounds quite troublesome for all the users.
At first, some thought that the problem was caused by Twitter, but in the end they found that the problem isn't caused by Twitter, but was caused by Gmail.
I feel that if any problems ocurred, the website itself should inform the users so that they know what is happening and will not fear that everything will get lost. At least inform the users whats going on and how long does it takes to solve the problem so that users get to know and by the time users can surf Twitter again.
Heres some pictures which i found where users were talking about the problem which occured.
Below this picture is about the problem which occured.
What does all of you out there think about this issue? What I apply above does it make sense? I bet some of you out there is a user of Twitter too. Did you encounter this problem too? Come and share with me and others too.
References: Social Networking News Daily, "Gmail Fail and Twitterfall". Retrieved 24th February 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
No no no...
1. Use Facebook mail instead of proper email
When you Facebook mail me, I have to log into my real email to find that you mail me on Facebook, then I have to go and log into my Facebook account to read and reply to your message. If you’ve got my real email address, please use it. =)
2. Add old friends and then forget about them
This is the biggest social networking crime of them all. How many times has it happened? You haven’t seen someone for 20 years; you vaguely recognise their name but not their face. They add you as a friend on Facebook and then after you accept them, you never hear from them again.
3. Adding people you don’t even know
It’s one thing to add an old friend and then never speak to them. It’s another to add anyone whose name you kind of vaguely sort of recognise. It’s like that old man in the pub who slaps everyone on the back as if they were old pals, when in actual fact he has no friends.
4. Write on a wall instead of communicating privately
The driving force behind the success of Facebook is… vanity. People love the idea that others are watching what they’re doing. Tell me this: for what reason would you invite someone to a private party by writing on their wall, other than to show off to all the people on their friends list who you don’t want to come?
5. Upload photos to Facebook and deleting originals
Uploading photos to Facebook can be a very handy way of sharing your holiday snaps. But for the love of God, don’t lose your originals. Facebook is terrible at compressing and resizing images. Facebook is not a suitable place to store your precious photos!
Well....just some of my opinions... ^^ Share your opinion here or comment about my post! You are most welcome!!
-Siew Ching-
Friday, March 6, 2009
Poll results 6/3/09
Thursday, March 5, 2009
If Facebook causes cancer, porn prevents it
Ok ok, enough of that craps.
My partner, Rachel, has wrote a post that is about social networks can harm health, mentally and physically. So I went to look for more information on this issues because I think everyone is concerning their health in every ways.....
and then I saw this article....
According to this article, yes, it is true that some of the experts did researches that showed people are easily to get cancer, strokes or heart disease if they keep playing SNS such as Facebook because it reducing levels of face-to-face contact, and by not meeting up with real people will increased isolation that alter the way genes work and upset immune responses, hormone levels and the function of arteries. It could also impair mental performance.
But if we're going to take this internet cancer stuff seriously, why don't we look at the other side of the coin? Because it turns out that internet porn can prevent cancer. Hooray!
According to the australian researchers, "men could reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer through regular masturbation".
And what do people do when they want to masturbate? Mostly they will be going to XXX web sites....
All these information on getting cancer and preventing cancer are scientifically proved.
So what do you think? LOL.....I LMAO when I was reading the article....kind of making sense actually...
-Siew Ching-
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Digsby =IM + Email + Social Network
I've found this little thing called Digsby while I'm searching for more latest news on social networking issues to write about.
Digsby's an industrial strength combo of cross platform instant messenger and social media status updater. Connecting with Windows Live Messenger, Google Talk, AIM and Yahoo - it also boasts Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and LinkedIn status update tools. Digsby is a proprietary multiprotocol instant messaging application developed by dotSyntax.

There is this buddy list, and as you scroll over the buddy names their away message pops up along with their profile. So no clicking on anything to view profile and away messages which is nice. You can also see that the Facebook add on and email are up at the top.
When you click on the Facebook link you get a sidebar that pops up with whatever you chose to include basically what you have when you log into your Facebook profile.
And there is a conversation window, its pretty straight forward. From the conversation window you can view their profile, IM, send them a file, send them an email or even video chat (I haven’t tested it out)
This is the little notification that pops up when somebody IMs you or sends you a message. Its pretty awesome as you can reply right through it and don’t have to open the window. I found it great to use when I was in Illustrator or Photoshop so it wouldn’t slow anything down.
Another thing is that when changing font the window freezes for about 45 seconds which can get annoying, luckily I don’t do that often.
If you are interested in this little thing called Digsby, you can come to here to download and try it out! It only cause you 4.63 mb.
-Siew Ching-
References: Digsby
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Poll result 28/2/09
Friday, February 27, 2009
Does Social Networking harms health?
From my own opinion, I think it does.
Nowadays, not only teenagers but kids too own a computer or notebook.
In the young age, they learn how to use computer, even how to log in to some websites. Through here you as a reader can see how modern and the world goes.
Without internet connection, we can't really connect with the outside world except through expensive payments.
As i read through an article.
It notes that the face-to-face contact is reducing and this harms our health.
This verse is claimed by an expert and I agree with what the expert says.
For instance, Facebook is expanding and everyone is connecting each other through there. Users even enrich their knowledge and friends through there too. But this is an apart way of contacting each other where there aren't any face-to-face contact.
From the article, you can see how social networking affects our health. There are so many sickness which appear and attack us. What are the sickness?
Heres some which I grab from the article to tell all of you out there a little of it.
"It can alter the way genes work, upset our immune responses, hormone levels, and the function of arteries, and influence mental performance."
This ain't said nor prove by me, but by the experts. Believe it not? Better start to believe it. Try to read more articles about this issue, it helps you out there to understand more.
But do you agree with this issue? Does social networking issue harms health?
Reference: Thirdage, "Does Social Networking harms health?" Retrieved 27 February 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Gossip gossip !
Did you know....
- That FACEBOOK was launched on February 2004 by the Harvard drop out Mark Zuckerberg (who was 19 years old). By the end of the month more than half of the undergraduate population at Harvard was registered on the service.
- that June 2008 Mark Zuckerberg paid a 65 million dollar settlement to close a long- running legal battle concerning whether Mark stole the FACEBOOK idea from his former room mate.
- That FACEBOOK has more than 175 million active users (active at least once a month) and more than 700 employees
- FACEBOOK is only a low security web service. This means that you should never use the same password for your FACEBOOK account as you use for more important services (e.g. webmails or netbanking).
- that FACEBOOK leaves quite a few cookies in your browser which enables other Internet sites to identify your FACEBOOK identity. (If your browser does not accept these cookies you won't get access to your FACEBOOK account).
- That FACEBOOK reserves every right to register and keep all kind of your private information and FACEBOOK activities – even after you eliminate your profile”. You are immortal.
- that the general counsel of FACEBOOK, Ted Ullyot, is a former attorney of CIA, famous for neglecting privacy issues in CIA’s war against terrorism
- October 24, 2007, Facebook has agreed to sell a 1.6% stake of the company to Microsoft for $240 million. This means Microsoft, as an exclusive third-party will get access to all personal FACEBOOK information
- That Mark Zuckerberg, founder and owner of ca. 30% of FACEBOOK is the world's youngest billionaire (worth 1,5 billion Dollars)
- Have your ever wondered why FACEBOOK advertisements often feed exactly your personal needs? Because an intelligent system analyzes cyberspace behaviour on a personal level to maximize the value of your personal information.
- that even though you change your name, email, address etc. your old data can still appear in the FACEBOOK Friend Finder.
- that FACEBOOK accounts with more than 4.000 friends are often closed down with no further explanation. This is not mentioned in FACEBOOK's Term of Agreement.
- that psychologists have introduced the diagnosis FAD (Facebook Addiction Disorder) as a new kind of addiction disorder.
Well, I really didn't know about all these information. Did all these information help you in understanding more on what you are using now (FACEBOOK)?
-Siew Ching-
References: Facebook, Group, "Things you didn't know about Facebook", Retrieved 20 February 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Poll results 22/2/09
Friday, February 20, 2009
The improvement of social network
Its about Facebook and other social networks.
During this 21st century, human beings advertise their products and new ideas through internet and it is very useful as we, users, been logging in and out through internet.
Can say that we can't live without internet and we are so use to it until we need to log in and find our own sources or even stay connect with our friends and know more about the outside world through internet. This is how we get use to internet and use it as often as we can.
Just like me, I online everyday and get use to it until i need to log in to every website I go through everyday. Even look for more sources and new websites so I can enhance my knowledge.
Let me tell you something about the article I've read.
It is about a computer company call CRM. This company uses some social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and LinkedIn to let the everyone know about their new product which just release. First, they use Twitter to break the news of the new release to the masses.
Why they uses this way to introduce their new release?
From my own opinion, I felt that this is quite a good idea as well that everyone tends to log in into all kinds of websites and this can let them know about the new release when they log in because for sure they will see the video clip. But of course, still it depends on the users whether they want to watch it not.
CRM choose Facebook to introduce their new release and put up a video to let others know about it rather than presenting it during a technical conference.
Here you can see how wide is the internet and how people tend to use it. There is a lot of ways and this is one of it.
I think that this a absolutely a great idea and it helps a lot rather than presenting it just for some of the people to listen and know about it. Through internet, it helps and it does expand and let others know about a new release product.
What about you out there? Do you think this is a great idea? Do you agree with my perspective?
Come, jot down your ideas so that everyone out there can get a new hips of ideas on everyone thoughts.
Reference: Technewsworld
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Poll results 15/2/2009
It is all about the intentions of a person to have and own by them before starting a business through internet. Does a person need to have intentions? or don't need it?
Heres the feedback of the poll vote by the readers.
Answers of yes, no and maybe. Every of the answers are voted.
-Yes stands 50%
-No stands 33.33%
-Maybe stands 16.67%

You can see how the readers felt about this issue.
Personally, i feel that it a must for a person to have intentions before building a social site to start their business.
Growing a business through internet is very tough as well that you as the seller have to grab the buyers attention. Other than that, you also have to make the buyers to believe your product and the way you're selling is true and theres always through and back.
I've been viewing through a lot of social sites where the sellers sell their product. I can see it is a tough job because as a seller, you can't sell it too expensive and the product must be in good condition. The process of selling is that confirm the product that customers are buying, then contact them and settle up the payment. Then have to mail the products to them. Later on confirm the product whether it has reach the customer not.
Imagine, if you set up a business and you don't have any intentions and ways to sell your product. How the business going to succeed.
So, learn now and think of an intention before selling or introducing a product if you have the intention to widen up your business through internet.
Overall, what do you, dearly readers think about this issue? It is very important? Think deeply.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Advertising on social networks
I know that now the current trend for advertising a brand is to advertising on social-networking sites. The idea is to look for new opportunities on in what's known as user-generated content. Apparently the possibilities are huge, but the risks are also quite evident and worrying. For example, users like me. Or is the quality of the content good enough to associate a brand name with?
Social networking websites appear to be a very promising place to advertise on. Teenagers are there, even young adults are there, so no wonder if brands are so attracted by MySpace & co. However I believe they need to learn how to sell their advertising spaces. I don't want my brand's ad to appear close to a "click here & get your visa" ad (or similar) and this is happening rather often on MySpace (just to make an example).
Are you a user like me or you'll actually click on the ads? You are feel free to share your opinions here~! Maybe I research more and write more on this issue based on your opinion!
-Siew Ching-
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Facebook Mystery: Who Created "25 Random Things About Me"?
This “25 Random Things About Me” chain letter thing, is threatening to consume what little remaining free time and privacy we have. In fact, "25 Random Things About Me" has become so quickly spread in the two or three weeks since it apparently started (by whom, no one seems to know, not even at Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, Calif.)
Here's how it works: Your friend create list of 25 random things about themself, post it on Facebook, and then “tag” 25 of their friends. When you get “tagged,” you’re supposed to create your own list, along with instructions you want others to follow. You are then expected to tag in 25 people, including the friend who asked for it in the first place, and so on.

As for me, I've warned my friends that do not tag me such chain letter thing or I will still ignore it. I really don't like to do this kind of thing and let other friends who I am not close with to know about my personal stuff. And I started to think this is some kind of virus going around in Facebook. But seems like many people are doing it because all the other cool kids were doing it too. And on Facebook you don't want to be left out.
So how about you? What do you think? Love it or hate it?
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Use Social Networking Sites Wisely!
Social networking sites have come alive in just the last few years. It seems that everybody has their own space somewhere in social cyber space.
Getting started with using social networking sites is not difficult but you need to know how to protect yourself!
Below are some tips that are based on personal experience and also advices from the seniors:
• Think twice before you post a revealing or personal photo of yourself on a social networking site. Share photos with friends through limited access websites, or better yet, just send them via email.
• Keep your profile on social networking sites private. Make sure to check your own profile frequently to make sure friends have not “tagged” your site with photos you would not want others to see. Consider blocking comments if can, since you have no control over what people post.
• Watch what you say. A bad comment in a blog or comment section can be just as damaging as a compromising photo. This includes dirty jokes, bad language, or a drinking reference.
• Look up any old videos you may have posted on YouTube or other video upload sites, and take down any that might be offensive.
• Google yourself. See what the public might be reading about you. If there is something you don’t want “out there,”email the webmaster of the site to remove it if its possible.
• In addition to a personal website, consider creating a professional website featuring your resume, portfolio, and academic background. Blog about career interests. Make sure not to link it to anything inappropriate.
I've also found some useful information that is in pdf format. Do check it out here.
I hope you guys can find it useful!
-Siew Ching-
Friday, February 6, 2009
Social networking, the importance of intention
As well that i saw theres a lot of things that had improve in our world.
Nowadays there are more and more people who choose to run their business through internet.
How did they manage that?
Let me tell you this little news which i get to watch from youtube.
You as the one who manage the business must know your intentions regarding the business that you are running.
Even mention about mostly where you can usually manage your business. Of course, as there are more and more people who come across a lot of sites and talk about the issues and products. It is from the blog. Such as Twitter, blogspot, xanga and lots more.
As a reader, I used to come across a lot of social sites where people manage their business very well. You as a seller must know what you are selling and what the buyers need and want nowadays. If you don't know about it, it would be a difficult starter for you who want to manage your business through internet.
From social sites, as a reader you get the information, then you spread the news if they are good enough for you to stay tune for whats coming up next.
Readers also tend to leave comments about the product and some even want for more if they found out it is a good product. It is not a harm to sell your products through internet as the social networking is going on well and very wide. People from all around the world get to know about your site and this can reduce the money that you use to advertise, no matter through TV or radio or other ways.
Overall, intention of introducing a product is truly very important.
Know what is your intention then things will go on smoothly.
Here is a video where you can know more about this issue that I'm telling:
References: Youtube, Retrived 6th February 2009
After reading what I had wrote and the video I had post, what do you think about this issue? Is it right for what I've said and what is your opinion about this issue?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Mixi, the biggest social networking site in Japan
"mixi(ミクシィ)は、株式会社ミクシィが運営する、日本最大級のシェアを持つソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス (SNS)である。
Mixi is the largest social site that is used by the Japanese.
Mixi, which launched in February 2004, is the biggest social networking site in Japan. What’s more, it’s growing rapidly. Mixi (MIKUSHII) is operated by MIKUSHII Inc., social networking services with the largest share of Japan (SNS). The service name "mixi", supposedly refers to the fact that “I” can “mix” with other users. On Febuary 5, 2007, video-sharing service was launched by Mixi.
To join Mixi, you need to be invited by an existing member. You also need to be 18 or over, but I doubt anyone sticks to the rules. Your Mixi URL contains a unique user number: since these began at 1 and increased sequentially, it’s easy to tell how recently a user joined. And because Mixi is invite-only, none of these URLs are indexed by Google. I've thought of joining Mixi, but, you need a valid mobile mail account from one of those Japanese mobile carriers in oder to join Mixi.

Mixi’s site design and navigation are extremely intuitive. Your homepage displays a selection of your friends, a list of their latest blog posts and photos and the latest news from your communities. Like Wretch, you can also see the most recent visitors to your page.
Mixi’s profile pages are attractive and load extremely quickly. The reason for this is pretty simple: unlike MySpace, Windows Live Spaces and other US networks, you can’t edit the layout of your page. The advantage is that the site doesn’t break; the disadvantage is that there’s no variety, and Mixi isn’t a great tool for expressing your identity.
In late June, Mixi launched their equivalent of MySpace Music. This works in the same way as MOG - you download the “Mixi Station” client and allow it to track your listening habits in Windows Media Player or iTunes. The application uploads this data to the Mixi music section, making it publicly accessible. You can then browse the tracks that your friends and community are listening to, and even buy them through iTunes.
Clearly, Mixi is vastly different to MySpace and other US social networks. The lack of customization seems odd, but it’s clear that Mixi has more diverse revenue streams. Product recommendations, iTunes integration and paid accounts are all interesting ways to monetize these networks. And while I don’t think the Mixi model would be a huge hit elsewhere, there’s a certainly a lot we can learn from it.
-Siew Ching-
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Facebook lost people's email notification settings
But until he logged into Facebook and found the same message on the home page. So, the email was legit and Facebook had indeed lost his email preferences.

It is very concerning to me. How can a company like Facebook lose data? Millions of people put a lot of data on Facebook and how can Facebook not keep proper safeguard to make sure data does not get lost and proper backups to restore the data. It is not clear if a programming error or human error cleared all the data or did somebody break into the database/file system and cleared it out. I am not sure if it was just my friend or others got affected as well?
Did you receive similar message from Facebook?
-Siew Ching-
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Poll results 30/1/09
>> Which social sites do you prefer to use most?
This the question. We've got the answer due to most of the voters participation. Thank you very much. Let me reveal the answer. Taaadaaaa......
Facebook we've got 56.85%
Friendster we've got 30.77%
Hi-5 we've got 2%
Tagged we've got 1%, and last but not least,
Others we've got 14.38%

I myself voted Facebook as well that i can say myself as a Facebook fans right now. Been addicted to it and I can't stop logging into Facebook as well that there is too many games and it is truly a nice place to know lots of people.
From my previous post about "Facebook vs Friendster", from there you can differentiate how much difference i felt about both of these social sites. There aren't much disadvantages i think, it depends on you as a user of the site for how you use and think about the sites that you're enjoying.
There is a conversation between my internet friend and me. Both of us commented about the users and ads and disads of the sites.
J: Hey R, what do you think about the social sites which is available nowadays?
R: There are all kinds of social sites and for me, I myself prefer Facebook most.
J: What about others? Don't you give them a chance?
R: I did. I sign up for Zorpia, Hi-5 and all kinds of social sites but there aren't that interesting as how it really does.
J: Well, then i guess this depends on each and every user for how they think about it.
R: Actually why don't one of the user create a website to let everyone comment about the social sites that they have been using and whats good about them?
J: Yea, it does sounds like a good opinion. haha!!! Should try it.
As you can see throughout the whole converstion, everything helps to create a better social sites for the users and this depends on each and everyone of us as how we felt about the sites that we have been visiting. Things have to be change so that someone comes up with something perfect.
What do all of you out there think about what I've been comment about?
Come on, feel free to jot down something. No doubt for that.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Social blogs
Previously, during Web Development class in Computer lab.
We were told by Mr.Andrew that one of the group which is Pui Fun's group being hacked by others. This make their group have to reopen a new account and do everything all over again.
Luckily there aren't much touch up for that account since it is still new. So it is easier for them to open a new account and edit everything.
Well, I have been using a few social blogs such as Xanga, Wretch, Friendster blog and lots more. It isn't very very interesting. The first and ever social blog that I used is blogspot then change to all kinds of social blogs. Why did i change? Ever wonder about this question?
At first, theres problem occurring due to the signing into blogspot. I keep on can't sign into blogspot.
The second problem is that the blog I've post is gone. I was like, what happen to my blog. Wasted my time and my precious mind set towards the blog that I've wrote.
Thats the time i stop using blogspot then trying multiple social blogs.
While I'm trying out the social blogs, I found Xanga is a nice social blog where eveything is well done over there. But the main problem is that I seldom post blog and not much people know about it, after a while i stop using it.
Then i change to Friendster blog and Wretch.
Friendster blog is much more towards writing only as there aren't much we change. Such as the layout of the blog.
Wretch is a nice one but the matter is that it is too complicated for me as it is more towards people who know chinese. Theres a lot of annoymous people who will leave comment to you. It is a good thing, but sometimes it isn't, because the comment aren't good comment.
For example, I encounter a problem where by people post some links and it contain virus. It is such a childish act.
In the end, I started my own blog again in blogspot last year. Everything goes on well, maybe they change something new. Which i found that it is easier to be used than last time. No more complains from me for using blogspot. I enjoy a lot using it. Even my friends told me the same comment too... So, I vote blogspot is the best for now. haha!!!
What about you guys out there? Which social blog you prefer most?
What do you think about this issue and which social blog will you choose as your first choice.
Do comment about it so that they will know what they should improve on. psskkkk....
This is a way of improving what, so no doubt for it.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Difficulties of using communication softwares
Sometimes i thought of, is there any better sites for us to visit and look upon to where we can meet more people???
Searching through google where i found quite some. But some of it aren't that interesting and even makes me stop using it. Such as Zorpia, Hi-5 and lots more.
Wonder what all of you think about the social sites. Is it enough?
Other than social sites, some of the social communication webs.
Such as MSN, yahoo, meebo, ICQ and etc.
There so many which sometimes i feel it is too much for us because its quite difficult for us to chat with friends whos using some other communication webs.
For example, I am using MSN but my friend using ICQ. I have to purposely download ICQ to chat with my friend. It is so uncomfy and uneasy because we have to download so many software just to chat with friends.
Why can't they just create one or two communication software. This could make it easier for us and chat in a better way and much more comfortable. Not to just purposely download so many communication software.
My friend told me that it is so difficult for her to sign in to some other communication webs as in some computers located at some places such as college computer lab is forbid towards the communication software. I was told that the only communication software that can be used is online messenger.
Why can't everything be made in an easier way so that there won't be so many downloading needed and everyone is happy with it?
What does everyone of you out there think about this issue?
Is it better if there is just one or two communication software to be used?
Or you are satisfy with what we have now with so many communication software to be used?
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Poll results 19/1/09

I personally actually voted for "No" !
Even though the social sites are really convenient and fast for everyone to meet new people exspecially for the young generation like us, I still think that it is not safe. And I am not feeling comfortable to chat with some strangers over the internet.
Why I feel uncomfortable?
Back to a few years ago, well, 7 years ago, when i was 12 years old, I got my first computer and first time using the internet ( During that time I was using Jaring -.-)
I was using mIRC and ICQ to chat with my friends. I was young and naive and stupid and thought meeting new friends on the internet was cool! So, I started to chat with strangers in mIRC. There were so many different kind of chat rooms and you can even create your own chat room!
But, out of 10 of the strangers that I sincerely and kindly chat with, 10 of them would reply me the same thing:
Me: Hi, nice to meet you!
X: asl pls
Me: 13 f m'sia (I did not think of cheating my identity in those days)
X: Wanna have cybersex?
Me: has leave the chatroom
Although I wasn't sure what is a "cybersex" means but I was smart enough to know the word "sex" !. Unbelievable......
I was so disappointed and sad and feel creepy after all those bad experinces! Gosh......
Well, maybe because of that, ever since then I don't chat with strangers, only chat with my friends.
Do you have some kind of similiar experiences like what I had?
Share your opinions or stories with us!~
-Siew Ching-
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Britney Spears' Twitter Account Gets Hacked
Friday, January 16, 2009
Facebook vs Friendster
These two sites are commonly well known to all people around the world no matter they're young, middle-age or old. Both sites are commonly known as a social networking sites where everyone can keep updated with their friends and contact with them too. Other than that, it is a way to know different kinds of people from all around the world where it is part of a way to exchange news and knowledge.
Which sites i choose and feel the best?
Well, am kinda a choosy type. For me, I prefer Facebook more than Friendster.
I use to dislike Facebook and felt that its very uneasy using it and lotsa problems.
But now??? Not really, felt that its much more easier to use Facebook and to handle it. As well that the style and how things is being done is much more easier to be find and search for.
Talk about these two sites, there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages about them.
Lets start with Friendster.
Friendster use to be a hotspot for everyone to hang out there and update new pictures and write down testimonial. But it keeps on changing with their programs and the way it is being used. There aren't much things we can do from Friendster compare to Facebook.
The good thing i felt about Friendster is that we know who viewed out profile and how many times it is being viewed.
Other than that, the loading of the picture doesn't take long as well as loading other information.
Whats more??? What ya'll have in mind that is good and not good about Friendster?
Now, lets talk about Facebook.
Facebook??? A common site for everyone in the whole wide world.
The user of Facebook is expanding as in more and more people know about Facebook and using it to connect with others.
There are lots of sites which is connected with and games where everyone get to play and know about it.
Other than that, there are all kinds of groups and information and events going around where people get to know about it and calculate how many people is attending the event. This is an easy way for people to interact with each other and get to know whats going on no matter where they are and keep themselves updated.
I felt that Facebook is much more neat and tidy than Friendster where as we can see that the photos are being placed at one side and same goes with others.
Not all the advantages stay still with Facebook, there are disadvantages too....
I just encounter a problem with Facebook, where there are virus.
A friend of mine send a message to me and it says that there are some of my pictures in this particular website. When i opened it, its like a blank site which here comes the virus. I was like, OMG!!! What happened...
The next thing i discover is that the same message was sent to all my friends.
Everyone asked me what is it and I am so pissed off. This is the most terrible problem i faced throughtout the period when am using Facebook.
Overall, I felt that both sites are good. But theres always the best out of all. So, Facebook is still my first choice. hehe!!!
What about all of you out there? What do you think about this issue
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Welcome to
Bienvenue everyone to this blog..
We hear special reports from TV news and many news on newspapers too that report about social networking issues. The dangers often involve online predators or individuals who claim to be someone that they are not. Although danger does exist with networking out in the real world, it also exists with networking online, too. Just like you're advised when meeting strangers at clubs and bars, school, or work -- you are also advised to proceed with caution online.